Tech4Growth Health
Hybrid event. More info here
Innosuisse, EPFL Innovation Park, Swiss Biotech AssociationTech4Growth Health is part of the “TFV – Networking Events Series 2021-2024” empowered by Innosuisse and will cover 4 verticals: Health, Industry 4.0, Energy and Finance. Networking Event Series – Tech4Growth Health will be the 1st in this series and will take place from March 9 – 26, 2021.
Given the speed of innovation and the shorter technology lifecycles, both large companies and start-ups have a vested interest in partnering. Successful alliances can significantly speed up time to market and scaling up, amongst others. However, there are many reasons why such partnerships could go wrong.
EPFL Innovation Park created a series of 6 hybrid workshop with dozens of company executives as speakers, to talk about their best practices and lessons learned from their own experiences. There will be case studies as well as group discussions. Startup CEO/CTOs and Corporate innovation managers will have the possibility to work side by side to help each other, to achieve better understanding and to build a powerful business and personal network.
The program consists of 2x workshops in presence to amplify networking opportunities and 4x online 2-hour sessions, to easily fit into one’s schedule. Participants who cannot attend the 2 consequent workshop days can invite a colleague from his/her team to attend, in order to ensure the continuity and the quality of exchange with other participating companies.
March 9 – in presence or online (13h30-17h10) – Why collaborate? — Key benefits & challenges
- State of the art: overview of various forms of partnering between startups and corporates
- Key benefits & challenges: real examples of success and failures
- Understanding each other: comparison of organisations, operating modes and decision processes between startups and corporates
March 11 – Online Session 1 (11h00-13:00) — How to collaborate — Commercial Partnership
- Building relationship supplier <=> customer: how to approach each other
- Business partnership: leveraging each other’s commercial network
March 16 – Online Session 2 (11h00-13h30) – How to collaborate — Co-development
- Co-technology development: Corporate-Startup-Academic
- Goal of co-development: key issues and tips
- IP issues, project management & governance
March 18 – Online Session 3 (11h00-13:00) – How to collaborate — Corporate Venture Fund, M&A
- Corporate venture fund: why and how
- Start-up acquisition by corporates: key issues and tips
- Testimonials and experience sharing from leaders of corporates and start-ups
March 23 – Online Session 4 (11h00-13:00) – How to collaborate: Corporate Accelerators, Academic Partnerships
- Playground for Corporate-Startup-Academic Partnerships
- Testimonials from accelerators and startup
March 26 – Final Day in presence (10h00-15:15 followed by closing drinks) – Networking Event — Rules of the game for fruitful collaboration & summary of key learnings with action plan
- Rules of the game for startups and for corporates
- Group work: peer-to-peer discussion to improve respective plan of partnering
- Presentation of your roadmap, get direct feedback from trainers and peers
*Agenda subject to changes (March 9 session might be moved online depending on the Covid-19 situation and restrictions and we will hold the final session if and when permitted as well)
Jurgi Camblong – Ata Tuna Ciftlik -Herve Lebret – Tanja Dowe – Nicolas Loeillot – Rana Lonnen – Massimo Lucchina – Raphael Rollier – Lan Zuo Gillet