Test to Exit COVID-19 – Engaging women political leaders as champions for testing
Virtual event
A joint event by WPL, G20HDP, & FIND (ACT-A Diagnostics Partnership Co-Convenor)How can the global community make better decisions and promote best practices surrounding COVID-19 testing and de-confinement worldwide?
The G20 Health and Development Partnership, Women Political Leaders (WPL), and FIND, convenor of the global testing community, have joined forces to bring together women scientific, global health, and political leaders to help inform key decisions around testing to exit COVID-19.
Join the conversation:
“Test to Exit COVID-19 – Engaging women political leaders as champions for testing”
22 June 14:00-15:15 CET ZOOM
COVID-19 has set the scene for world leaders to understand the importance of testing worldwide if we want to contain the humanitarian and economic fallout of the pandemic.
Get to know how thousands of female politicians are leading the discussion regarding testing and, in the process, helping to protect their communities and citizens.
Aminata Touré, Former Prime Minister of Senegal
Gro Harlem Brundtland, Former Prime Minister of Norway, Former Director General of the WHO
H.E. Amira Elfadil Mohammed Elfadil, Social Affairs Commissioner African Union
Annette Kennedy, President, International Council of Nurses
Dr. Catharina Boehme, CEO, FIND (ACT-A Diagnostics Partnership
Silvana Koch-Mehrin, President & Founder, Women Political Leaders (WPL)
Hatice Küçük – Executive Director, The G20 Health and Development Partnership
Moderator: Avivah Wittenberg-Cox CEO of 20-first
Attendance information will be sent upon registration. Join us! Register here.
Female political leaders have led by example, taking key decisions on a daily basis on how best to handle testing, which is today’s first line of defence against COVID-19. By taking informed decisions accounting for both health and economic considerations, these leaders have enabled their countries to re-open their economies, education systems and public life. Not to forget are female frontline workers and community practitioners who put their lives at risk to save our lives.
Stay tuned for more information on how to listen and participate in the conversation!
For further information please contact mail@wpleaders.org.