Adrien Roux
Associate Professor
- adrien.roux@hesge.ch
- +41 22 558 50 13
Adrien Roux (PhD in Biology, Associate Professor HES of Bio-Engineering and Biology) is Head of the Tissue Engineering Laboratory and has participated to the creation of a 3D generation and characterization of neural tissue. He was first involved in the generation and characterization of 3D human embryonic stem cell-derived 3D neural tissue embryonic cells. For ethical reason, the laboratory has switched source of cells and is now working mainly with Human cells derived from iPS cells. Adrien Roux has worked in several academic labs in Paris such as CNRS, the faculty of pharmacy or the Curie Institute. In 2003, he moved to industrial environment at Thermo-Fischer Scientific to develop new in vitro immunoassays based on fluorescence resonance energy transfer technology (FRET). He also worked in the discovery of new serum markers for the diagnostic of trisomy 21. In 2008, Adrien Roux started working in the screening department of Merck Serono to study GPCR in the context of drug discovery before starting a PhD in Basic and Applied Molecular Life Science within the “International PhD program” from the University of Geneva. His work was hosted by the Protein Engineering and Antibody Technologies department from Merck Serono. During this period, he has worked on an in vitro model of blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier and on the phage display technology to develop an antibody-based vehicle for delivering therapeutic molecules into the central nervous system. His PhD completed, Adrien Roux started to work at the University of Applied Sciences of Geneva (HEPIA) in the laboratory of Tissue Engineering from the professor Luc Stoppini. In this lab, he is contributing to the biological and technical development of Human in vitro model of the neurovascular unit including the monitoring of the blood brain barrier integrity and electrical activity monitoring of 3D in vitro mini-brains. He was nominated as associate professor in April 2019.
Competencies: Culture cell (3D neural tissue engineering, Biocompatibility, in vitro assay for toxicology and biocompatibility test, confocal microscopy,...), Microtechnology and engineering (fast prototyping of device, electronic, microfluidic, Computer Aided Design, software design,...), Skills and technology combining cellular and engineering skills (electrophysiology by MEA, impedance spectroscopy for TEER measurement)