Science Department of Medical Information HUG
The team

Information technology has a fundamental and lasting impact on the world of health. From the molecular level to a societal vision, every domain and aspect of health is covered. How can these tools be developed? How can they be integrated? What impact will they have on health and medicine and on daily life, as in care and research settings? These are just a few of the questions raised at the intersection of the worlds of information technology and health. The group working under Christian Lovis is exploring and developing these aspects on the basis of four pillars: Citizens as stakeholders in the field of health; the use of self-monitoring; access to information; and self-determination. The mass of clinical data (aptly named "big data") and their secondary use, notably for research and public health, form the basis for controlling the health system. In this domain, the team working under Professor Lovis has a particular interest in the interpretability of medical data, semantics and treatment of natural language. Whether it's for sensory networks, applications for citizens, interactions with complex data or collaborative activities, the interfaces between humans and machines has assumed major importance. This domain therefore consumes a considerable part of the group activities, both in terms of R&D and evaluation.